Monthly Bookkeeping

bookkeeping service

Outsource Your Accounting to a Pro

Marylou Tortorello offers thorough bookkeeping services

Budget your time wisely, and utilize Marylou Tortorello, Inc. for commercial bookkeeping services. Our accountants can monitor the financial stability of your organization. We're accurate and thorough and can generate extensive reports quickly. Call us at 914-241-0712 to discuss your financial goals and business needs.

We offer:

  • General ledger reconciliation
  • General ledger preparation
  • Bank record reconciliation

3 ways to cut down on spending

It's possible to eliminate unnecessary expenses. Consider the following:

  1. Cloudsourcing - take advantage of online resources, and hire remote freelancers for a short period of time. You don't have to hire more full-time employees to get the job done.
  2. Discounts - many retailers provide discounts for small business owners. When purchasing big-ticket items, inquire about available offers.
  3. Energy - you can reduce your utility bills by using energy-efficient machines, lightbulbs and appliances.
When in doubt, turn to Marylou Tortorello for financial advice. We'll help you streamline your operations.